
See what you’ve missed on Friday

This past Friday, Sept 4th, we had our monthly meeting via Zoom, with guest speaker Dr Thomas Spirock of the Springfield Telescope Makers of Vermont, speaking about planetary imaging using the Lucky Imaging Technique, with results from both the 13″  F/10 Schuppmann at Stellafane, and the 9″ Warney & Swasey Refractor at Mt. Wilson. This is the edit featuring only the Guest Speaker.  Full version of the meeting will be available later.


September Zoom Meeting

You may have realized by now, that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Laurentian University students are not currently in their classrooms. At this time, Sudbury RASC members will not be in the Doran Planetarium either. Centre President Alan Ward has put together an interesting meeting agenda for all would-be attendees to experience on that date!

The September Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) Sudbury Centre will be held at 7:00PM Friday September 4th, online via Zoom.

The details of this safe, virus free, meeting experience, including feature speakers will be revealed in the Sudbury RASC Centre Newsletter set to appear on during the first week of September.

Note: To anyone who isn’t already subscribed to our newsletter and would like to receive it, please use our contact form on our website ( with the subject ‘Newsletter Subscription’ and we will add you to the list. You will receive your invitation to the meeting via email. Or alternatively, PM Patrick on Facebook for a link. Remember, even if we are in isolation does not mean we still can’t share the wonders of the universe together.

August Zoom Meeting – Friday, Aug 7

You may have realized by now, that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Laurentian University students are not currently in their classrooms. At this time, Sudbury RASC members will not be in the Doran Planetarium either. Centre President Alan Ward has put together an interesting meeting agenda for all would-be attendees to experience on that date!

The August Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) Sudbury Centre will be held at 7:00PM Friday July 5th, online via Zoom.

The details of this safe, virus free, meeting experience, including feature speakers will be revealed in the Sudbury RASC Centre Newsletter set to appear on during the first week of August.

Note: To anyone who isn’t already subscribed to our newsletter and would like to receive it, please use our contact form on our website ( with the subject ‘Newsletter Subscription’ and we will add you to the list. You will receive your invitation to the meeting via email. Remember, even if we are in isolation does not mean we still can’t share the wonders of the universe together.


    1. Welcome
    2.  Guest Speaker – Trevor Chandler
      part 1: A unique Digital Planetarium (15 min)
      part 2: Astronomy 101 – a book review (1 hour)
    3.  Break (10 min)
    4.  Comet Update – Elllen Pappenberg (20 min)
    5. Observers Report – That’s You!  (5 min)
    6. Show & Tell – A Tool for observing Mars
    7. What’s Up, Doc? – Upcoming Observing Events
    8. Outreach Update – Linda Pulliah

Comet NEOWISE Photos

We are lucky to be blessed with having so many talented photographers in the area. The comet is possibly the most photographed comet since Hale-Bopp and can easily be seen by naked-eye in the evening by looking in the Northwest, slightly below the Big Dipper. Here is a sample of what some of our local photographers have sent in or posted to our Facebook Group. Click on them for an expanded view. If you have any pictures you’d like to share, you can either post them in our Facebook Group or send them in via email.

Colin Durocher, July 16th

Colin Durocher, July 17th.

Robert Pothier, July 17th, 2 AM

Robert Pothier, July 20th, 3:30 AM

Michelle Lim, July 19th

Pat Bedard, July 15th

Allison Beaulieu @ Killarney

Comet and Aurora, Christina Emonds, St-Charles.

Dave Mäkelä, July 19th

Dave Mäkelä, July 19th

Patrick Dodson, July 23rd

July Zoom Meeting – July 5th, 2020

You may have realized by now, that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Laurentian University students are not currently in their classrooms. At this time, Sudbury RASC members will not be in the Doran Planetarium either. Centre President Alan Ward has put together an interesting meeting agenda for all would-be attendees to experience on that date!

The July Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) Sudbury Centre will be held at 7:00PM Friday July 5th, online via Zoom.

The details of this safe, virus free, meeting experience, including feature speakers will be revealed in the Sudbury RASC Centre Newsletter set to appear on during the first week of July.

Note: To anyone who isn’t already subscribed to our newsletter and would like to receive it, please use our contact form on our website ( with the subject ‘Newsletter Subscription’ and we will add you to the list. You will receive your invitation to the meeting via email. Remember, even if we are in isolation does not mean we still can’t share the wonders of the universe together.

Next Meeting Notice

You may have realized by now, that due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Laurentian University students are not currently in their classrooms. At this time, Sudbury  RASC members will not be in the Doran Planetarium either. Centre President Alan Ward has put together an interesting meeting agenda for all would-be attendees to experience on that date!

The June Meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) Sudbury Centre will be held at 7:00PM Friday June 5th,  online via Zoom.

The details of this safe, virus free, meeting experience will be revealed in the Sudbury RASC Centre Newsletter set to appear on April 29/2020.

Note: To anyone who isn’t already subscribed to our newsletter and would like to receive it, please use our contact form on our website ( with the subject ‘Newsletter Subscription’ and we will add you to the list.  You will receive your invitation to the meeting via email. Remember, even if we are in isolation does not mean we still can’t share the wonders of the universe together.


March Meeting | Mar 6th

The Next Meeting of the RASC Sudbury Centre will be held on Friday
March 6 at 7:30 PM. Incoming President Alan Ward will conduct a
Poll of Interests, and Paul Emile Legault will explain what is going on
with Betelgeuse.

Everyone is Welcome at the Doran Planetarium in the Fraser Science
Building at Laurentian University.


  • Presidents Address 15 min
  • Survey – interesting topics for future meetings 15min
  • Mini Lecture Series – Bellatrix – Stargazer Steve 10 min
  • Show & Tell – The Jedi Force Levitator – Fun with Electrostatic Repulsion
  • Coffee Break Feature Presentation – Betelgeuse, What’s next? – Paul-Emile Legault. 40min
  • Darken the Dome
When: Friday, March 6th
Time: Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm


(Meetings are held the first Friday of the Month at the Doran Planetarium (Fraser Building, Left and Down the stairs. Turn left at the bottom of the stairs and then right into the Planetarium)


February Meeting – AGM | Feb 7th

Join us this Friday, February 7th for our AGM meeting.

February Meeting Agenda
1) Greetings Robert Pothier
2) Sudbury Centre Business Robert
3) Treasurer’s Report Monique
4) Nominations Pete/Rob
5) Break
6) Elections Pete/Rob

When: Friday February 7th.
Time: Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm


(Meetings are held the first Friday of the Month at the Doran Planetarium (Fraser Building, Left and Down the stairs. Turn left at the bottom of the stairs and then right into the Planetarium)


Our February meeting will be our AGM as it has been in the past. Please see the Newsletter for the nomination form. Please note that the Treasurer’s position and the Director of Outreach positions are NOT up for re-election this year.
Keep our club vibrant—attend the meeting and vote for your executive.



January Meeting | January 3rd

Join us this Friday, January 3rd for the first meeting of the new year and decade.

January Meeting Agenda
1) Greetings Robert Pothier
2) Sudbury Centre Business Robert
3) From Ironic Beginnings to Unprecedented Outcomes Alan Ward
4) National Outreach Information Linda Pulliah
5) Break
6) Silvering Mirrors—an old process is now making a resurgence Alan Ward
7) Darken the Dome and “What is This in The Sky?” Steve and Linda Pulliah

When: Friday, January 3rd.
Time: Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm


(Meetings are held the first Friday of the Month at the Doran Planetarium (Fraser Building, Left and Down the stairs. Turn left at the bottom of the stairs and then right into the Planetarium)



Newly Modified Web site And SuperNova

This message was sent to current RASC-SudburyCentre members, as well as past guests of the Sudbury Astronomy Club to announce that our newly modified website is up and running!

Also, RASC has sent a note regarding the SuperNova Early Warning System or SNEWS. You can click on this link and find out how to register in order to receive notifications if Neutrino activity is detected at facilities like SNOLAB. This will give amateur astronomers a chance to witness supernovas early in their existence.