About us

We are a community based organization with 100′s of past and present members. The Sudbury Astronomy Club is dedicated to making astronomy interesting and fun for everyone. We host a variety of activities, including informative monthly meetings, planetarium presentations, public star gazing, member star parties, and family barbeques. In addition there are watches for comets, aurorae and meteor shower. Furthermore, we can enlighten you about the night sky, planets, constellations, galaxies, nebulae and star clusters. The club has members who are experts in astrophotography, telescope making, mirror grinding, lunar geology and cosmology.

The Story of Our Club

We began in 1981 as a small group of like-minded astronomers.  Founded as the Sudbury Astronomy Club and our deep association with Science North, our club has grown by leaps and bounds over several decades. We are very proud to say that we have a rich history in Amateur Telescope Making in the area. For example, did you know that John Dobson, the seminal Legend in Amateur Telescope Making visited the area,  not once but twice?  We also have our very own mirror-maker right here in Sudbury! In 2019, we began a new chapter in our club when we joined forces with the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada to become a RASC Centre.  Now known as RASC – Sudbury Centre, we promise we will never forget our proud history. Curious about what we’re all about? Why not come to one of our monthly meetings to check us out?

Our History

We have archived Sudbury RASC/SAC’s early history, including its early founding and Science North’s Solar Observatory in which the club was heavily involved. This is now freely available via National RASC’s Archives for anyone interested.

Please find the links below:

Sudbury RASC Club Origins

Science North’s Solar Observatory

All of this is has been added to the panel with other Centre histories:

RASC National Archives