Hi Everyone,
In Your Sky… Don’t Miss!!
What to look for in the Night Sky by Stargazer Steve
Venus has returned to the Evening Sky, but is still very low in the glow of Sunset. On Thursday Evening Sept 5, a very slim Crescent Moon very low in the Southwest 30 – 45 minutes after Sunset will help you find Venus 6 ½ degrees to its lower right. You will need a very clear Sky and view to the Southwest. Binoculars will make the sighting easier.
Science North 40th Anniversary Star-Party Dates
There are new Star-Party options at Science North this summer.
On three dates this Summer, Science North is offering two options for
participating in Star Parties. The dates are June 20, July 19, and
August 9.
As on clear nights in the past, Guests can arrive as darkness
approaches (9:00 PM – 10:00 PM) while staff and volunteers from the
Club set up Telescopes on the Patio for free public observing.
The new option includes indoor Star Party Programming at 9:00 PM
inside Science North whatever the weather, with admission by
purchased ticket. (There is no ticket requirement for the Outdoor
Star Party on the Patio). See Details at sciencenorth.ca
Both options feature Observing with Telescopes on the Patio at 10:00
PM or as soon as it is dark.
Sudbury RASC June Meeting | June 11th
We have a great meeting lined up for you for June 11th, with two presenters jointly presenting. Plus being the last meeting before September, there will be pizza! Special note that while we normally have our meetings at the Science North Planetarium, this month we are holding it at the Doran Planetarium. More details about the meeting, including the Zoom link, are in the 3-page newsletter.
1. Sudbury RASC President Address – Alan Ward
2. Sudbury: Of Rocks, Trees & Astronauts –
Warren Schlote & Dr David Pearson (50min) +10 min Q&A
3. Break: 50/50 Tickets & Pizza – (25 min)
4. What’s Up, Doc? What to see in the Sky this Month!
5. Outreach Report – Colin Durocher (20min)
6. Closing Comments/News/Open Forum/Starlight Lounge
Sudbury RASC May Meeting | May 14th
Eclipse Viewing near St-Catherines: Limited Spots
If anyone is looking for a spot to view the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th, there are limited spots (6 at the time of writing) available near St-Catherines.
If interested, please contact Colin DuRochers at debcol2007@gmail.com or 705-669-9022.
March Meeting Eclipse Special | March 12th
This month’s meeting will be focused on the Eclipse and how to prepare for it.
“Our meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) evening will begin at 7:15pm to allow time to prepare due to a previously scheduled planetarium showing that will end at 6:45pm. For those attending in person, please arrive anytime after 6:45pm.
No February Meeting
There will be no scheduled meeting this following Tuesday (Feb 13th), at either the Doran Planetarium, or the Science North Planetarium.
Our normally scheduled February AGM meeting will be moved to November better align with National RASC Office deadlines for reporting purposes.
We will commence with our regular monthly meetings on Tuesday, March 12 @ Science North.
Sudbury RASC January Meeting | Jan 23rd
The Following Meeting had been cancelled and has been rescheduled for Tuesday January 23rd. This meeting also has a change in location from the Doran Planetarium to the Science North Planetarium. Hope to see you there!
Happy New Year, everyone! Hope you’ve had a great holiday! We start off the New Year with a presentation about Galileo by RASC’s very own Randall Rosenfeld. After a 15 min break and 50/50 Draw, we will return with a tour of the night sky for January/February via the Planetarium featuring Stargazer Steve, followed by Jeffery Deans sharing his experience of being in Utah for the Oct 14th Annular Eclipse. For those attending in person, the meeting is at the Doran Planetarium Science North Planetarium this month!
Location: Science North Planetarium
Time: 7:00PM, Jan 23rd
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88107998877?pwd=VWZ0ME1DV0YzbGN6clFoY1I1SkVSQT09
Sudbury RASC’s President says: “I wish to remind everyone to renew their memberships.
Go to the following link below to join or renew your membership. When joining for the first time, please be cognisant to indicate your affiliation/association with the RASC Sudbury Centre when doing so. If you have any questions or are having trouble with your online RASC membership request, please contact me and I can walk you through the process. Some members have outdated email addresses and so they may not be able to login properly to renew. If you require any assistance in obtaining your membership status information through RASC please contact me, Alan Ward.”
December Meeting + Pizza Party | Dec 12
Please note that this meeting is taking place at the Doran Planetarium this month, not at the Science North Planetarium!
Join us on Dec 12th at the Doran Planetarium for a meeting and Pizza Party. Guest Speaker: Christine Kraus of SNOLAB
50/50 Draw with some fantastic prizes to be had! You won’t want to miss this!
When: Dec 12th, 7:00PM
Where: Doran Planetarium